False Front (Boorstin) - Objective authenticity of toured objects treat authenticity as a property inhering in toured objects one that can be definitively measured. Boorstin denied that tourists had either the wherewithal or motivation to do so. Travel, he lamented, was a “lost art,” that had become “diluted, contrived, pre-fabricated”. MacCannell (1973) disputed Boorstin’s assertion that tourists prefer contrived pseudo-events to authentic cross-cultural encounters, suggesting instead that touristic space is structured to satisfy the “desire for authentic experiences” that motivates “touristic consciousness”. MacCannell argued that “back regions” are staged for tourists to enable them to feel as if they are penetrating beyond a false front. Like Boorstin, however, MacCannell questioned the ability of tourists to actually encounter what is authentic in foreign cultures. The “staged authenticity” ends up undermining the tourist’s goal: “The idea here is that a false back may be more insidious than a false front, or an inauthentic demystification of social life is not merely a lie but a superlie.”
Dark Tourism - Tourism that involves travelling to places associated with death and suffering.
McDisneyisation (Rritzer & Liska) - a term that describes the transformation of something, usually society at large, to resemble The Walt Disney Company's theme parks.
McDonaldisation - Bureaucratic methods reduced every operation to its constituent parts and then had workers specifically trained to do just that one job. In a sense, this put an end to "old world craftsmanship," and was compatible with