Task 1- Team Working
1.1: Explain what team working means.
A team is something more than a collection of individuals. Teamwork is a group of people working together to achieve the same goal. The whole is more than a sum of the parts. A team can be identified by evidence of some or all of the following:
A shared purpose, vision, aim, objective or outcome
An agreed set of values and principles that underpin activity
A shared understanding of roles and responsibilities
A contract, agreement, plan or framework to work to
A schedule of formal or informal meetings that help direct activity
Shared processes everyone uses for:
Identifying priority outcomes
Monitoring activity
Evaluating effectiveness
Managing and supervising team members.
1.2: Explain the benefits and challenges of team working.
When people work effectively together as a team, the benefits can be experienced by people at different levels within the organisation and by partner organisations as well. There are different challenges and benefits to different kinds of teams, but some potential benefits and challenges are common to all.
The benefits: An important benefit to any team is the combined contributions of effective team members. The collective commitment, passion, creativity and experience of the whole team can inspire and motivate individual members to achieve more.
For leaders and managers, effective teams greatly enhance the flexibility required to deliver services, which are tailored to meet the needs of clients. They allow creative groupings of staff to come together to tackle issues in different ways and find various alternative solutions.
As teams develop in maturity they take responsibility, use their initiative, challenge respectfully and monitor their own effectiveness. Teams able to perform a wider range of tasks show more adaptability than an individual practitioner undertaking a specific, separate, set of tasks is able to do.