An estimated 2.1 to 4 million people killed there. The Belzec concentration camp was a camp with three gas chambers and an estimated 600,000 deaths. Buchenwald was one of the largest concentration camps created by the Nazi’s. Buchenwald originally was only for males but then in 1944 became open for female prisoners. The prisoner population was 110,000 and about 65,000 of them were murdered. Dachau was the first regular concentration camp established by the Nazi’s. At first there were only 4,800 prisoners then the numbers raised to 13,260 and by the end around 30,000 prisoners worked there. Last is Sachsenhausen was a concentration camp that had 44 sub camps and the Nazi’s established it in 19. In the start there were only 800 deaths then raised to 100,000 prisoners. The Gestapo mostly sent Jews they found trying to hide from them but sometimes they had people trying to go against Hitler’s rule. (“The Gestapo is …show more content…
Nancy Wake’s code name was “The White Mouse”, she was called that because of her ability to escape getting captured. After Germany invaded France Nancy started getting involved in the fight. She became deeply involved in her work and did anything to help people to a place safe of Nazi rule. Her missions made it so her life was in constant danger and was always being watched. Her phone was getting tapped into and her mail was being opened, she had many Gestapo enemies. She was number one on The Gestapo’s most wanted list by 1943and had a 5-million dollar bounty on her head.( Harper