Journal Entry 1-A Women On The Street Jeannette was sitting in a taxi, when she saw her homeless mother cover in rags, searching through the garbage. Jeannette was felt ashamed of her mother and ended up going back to her home on Park Avenue. Jeannette feels guilty that she is the reason her parents are homeless and she is being spoiled with all these luxuries however, her mother and father reject all of Jeannette’s offers. The only way she can get a hold of her mother is if she called up a friend of hers. The next day Jeanette and her mother met up at a local restaurant for lunch. Jeannette informed her mother that she is worried about her. In all seriousness, her mother asks for an electrolysis treatment and that she should also accept her parents as they are because that is who they were and they were never going to change. This part of the book introduces Jeannette as an adult and her mother who is homeless. I don’t blame Jeannette for feeling ashamed, she is living on Park Avenue yet her parents are living on the street. Her mother’s comments toward Jeannette prove that she is very happy the way she is and doesn’t want to change.
Journal Entry 2-The Desert (Arizona Trailer Park) Jeannette begins to talk about her unique childhood at the age of three. Her family lived in a trailer park in southern Arizona. At that moment, she was wearing a pink dress her grandmother bought for her while cooking hot dogs. Jeannette offered a hot god to her dog, she turned towards the stove only to find that her dress was on fire. Her father took the car, therefore they ran to their neighbors and rushed her to the hospital. The nurses and doctors covered her in ice and told her she was lucky to be alive. She stayed in the hospital for six weeks, which ended short because her father didn’t believe in hospitals. Her family visited her everyday, one day Brian (Jeannette’s brother) showed up with a bandage wrapped around his head. Her