Mr. Billingsley
H. World His.
The Golden Age of Britain
It is apparent that one nation had a overwhelming effect on the world; Great Britain. It is at it's utmost peak of success today. With economics booming and crime rates at a a low level, we can say that Britain may be at it's Golden Age. The UK's medical, intellectual, technological, political and social systems are better than ever. The economy is scarred but more superior than most countries, Universities are five-star, public transportation is finally working well, and no other country displays more of a religious and racial tolerance than Great Britain does. The past four years has brought it up and hopefully it'll stay that way, it's at it's prime. Intellectual achievements are through the roof in the UK, not only are the Universities the best in the world, but also because of this, many intellectuals and scholars have discovered and invented life changing implements and equipment. Britain's place at the lead of scientific endeavor has been uninterrupted for many centuries right up to 2013, climaxing with the innovative invention of the human genome, which guarantees to create a new breed of super humans. Britain discovered gravity and penicillin was revealed as the worlds first antibiotic, all of those individuals were from Britain; Charles Darwin, Newton,Faraday. The UK’s scientific accomplishments are equal to it's eminence to music, literature and art. Well-known artists include The Beatles who became famous over 50 years ago and are a legend known by all of the world. Even though the the group is not together anymore, it will forever be in the greatest band in history. All of the Well-known British individuals have someway or somehow affected our lives. Great Britain's most influential gift to the world that still lives today in the Golden Age, has been the guarantee of freedom of people all over the world. Britain introduced an educated and civilized