
The Great Compromise: The Judicial Branch Of Government

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The Great Compromise: The Judicial Branch Of Government
The judicial branch of government interprets laws and administers justice. The judicial branch of government was established by Article lll of the Constitution along with other Federal courts created by Congress. This branch came about when statesmen who met in Philadelphia were followers of Montesquieu's concept that powers in politics should be balanced. John Locke's writings supported and made this principle stronger, this led to the judgment that there needed to be three equal branches of government, the executive, legislative, and the judicial branch.
A compromise that was made was the Great Compromise. The Great Compromise was an agreement that small and large states made. This compromise stated the representation and legislative structure each state should have under the U.S. Constitution. The outcome of the Great Compromise was that each state would have two representatives in the upper house. The judicial
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John Marshall made a decision that expanded the powers of the Supreme Court and that is why he is important. John Marshall made it to where federal courts could use judicial review, for when/if someone violates the United States Constitution. John Marshall helped make the third branch of government, the judicial branch, what it is today. Some decisions that were made were in the Marbury Vs. Madison case, McCulloch Vs. Maryland case, Scott Vs. Sandford case, etc. These cases each greatly impacted our great nation and what it is today.
The Marbury Vs. Madison case is important because it was the first United States Supreme Court case to apply the judicial review principle. This case was between a man named William Marbury and James Madison, when James Madison refused to deliver Marbury's commission, Marbury made a petition, which would bring forth delivery of the commissions. Marbury’s petition was denied and proven not

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