The Constitution of The United States is a living document. I believe it is because we can amend it.
We have amended it 27 times. The first 10 amendments are known as our Bill of Rights, which are
our basic rights as American citizens. This document started with no amendments, but our government
has added them when the document needs to grow with society.
The United States Constitution has been the Law of the Land since 1788 when it was adopted. In the
Preamble of the constitution it states why it was written. These reasons include, to form a more perfect
union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility. Since it has been in effect for over 200 years and
has stood the test of time other countries have used our Constitution to base their countries
constitutions on. I believe the truly genius thing about the constitution is the way it was written.
Several phrases are written very loosely, and this has allowed us to make changes or amend it.
That is why it is called a "living document", because like a living changing person, this document can also
live and change.
Over 200 years ago when this document was written, the framers could never have predicted what
changes their future society would have. So by leaving phrases unclear it left this document open
to interpretation. We are now able to reinterpret it and amend it if need be through the Supreme Court
and House of Representatives.
In the summer of 1787 when The Constitutional Convention was being conducted, these men
would never know how in the future we would need to ensure that homosexuals would in the future be
left out of constitutional rights. Morally they would never be able to justify this concept.
But today it is a very controversial issue. Homosexuals are not allowed in most states to marry.
They will argue that it is unconstitutional, and that the 14th Amendment states
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