
The Great Depression In The Twentieth-Century

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The Great Depression In The Twentieth-Century
The Great Depression
The Great Depression is a time that brought great devastation not just in America alone, but the whole world had gone through such a horrible time in all societies. Not all of these countries had the worst effects from the Great Depression. Some countries had a relatively mild Great Depression, it was severe in others. Even though in the United States were not as severe they did have many deaths from people starving, also people from lost their farms and homes. There were people that even migrated inside America so they could get a better paying job and that they could take care of their families. The great depression was often called a “defining moment” in the twentieth-century in the United States. What this event has
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It was symbolized by women smoking, drinking, and wearing short skirts. Average Americans were simply buying automobiles and household appliances. Some Americans would buy stocks from the stock market if they had some extra money to spend. There became an imbalance between the rich and the poor. The combination of production of more goods and rising of personal debt, this could not be sustained. On October 29, 1929 the stock market had which this had triggered the Great Depression. It was the worst economic collapse in the history of the modern industrial world. This was spread from the United States to the rest of the world, it had lasted from 1929 until the early 1940s. With all of the banks closing and businesses closing, more than fifteen million americans had become …show more content…
He had called it “a passing incident in our national lives” and he had assured Americans that it would last sixty days. Hoover did not think that the Federal Government should offer relief for the needy population. While focusing on the trickle down economics program to help finances and banks, Hoover had resisted from business executives who preferred to lay off workers. He was blamed by many for the great depression. Franklin D. Roosevelt had offered Americans a new deal and was elected in 1932. Right after being elected Roosevelt wanted to attack the depression. This new deal programs had created a liberal political alliance of labor unions The hardship brought on by the depression affected Americans deeply. The unemployment brought on by the depression caused self-blame and self-doubt. Men were harder hit psychologically than women were. Since men were expected to provide for their families, it was humiliating for them to ask for some assistance. Although some men had argued that women should not be given jobs when many men were unemployed, the percentage of women working grew slightly during the depression. Traditionally female fields of teaching and social services grew under the new deal program. Children took on responsibilities, sometimes they would find somewhere to work when their parents could not. As of result living through the Great Depression, people have learned a habit on how to save their money

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