After the Fire was put out, the city had been almost completely demolished, was severely economically damaged, and faced heavy inflation, so the government sought immediate funds to help solve these problems. At least 65,000 were homeless after the Fire, and people from all over England sent relief funds to London for food and storage of people’s belongings (Barker and Jackson 146). To help out the people that lived in the city, other people sent money that would help the citizens live without houses for a short amount of time, but not enough to significantly help the city get back on its feet and move people back into houses. It was not enough to even come close to repair everything lost. An estimated amount of loss was £3.96 million worth of houses were burned, £2 million worth of public buildings and £2 million worth of goods, a total of almost £10 million or about 15 million dollars (Tinniswood 128). Even though the actual amount of loss can’t be determined, the amount of money needed to repair the city was colossal. Inflation
After the Fire was put out, the city had been almost completely demolished, was severely economically damaged, and faced heavy inflation, so the government sought immediate funds to help solve these problems. At least 65,000 were homeless after the Fire, and people from all over England sent relief funds to London for food and storage of people’s belongings (Barker and Jackson 146). To help out the people that lived in the city, other people sent money that would help the citizens live without houses for a short amount of time, but not enough to significantly help the city get back on its feet and move people back into houses. It was not enough to even come close to repair everything lost. An estimated amount of loss was £3.96 million worth of houses were burned, £2 million worth of public buildings and £2 million worth of goods, a total of almost £10 million or about 15 million dollars (Tinniswood 128). Even though the actual amount of loss can’t be determined, the amount of money needed to repair the city was colossal. Inflation