Does a college degree really help students to find a good job? While you go to the school, you may not see whether you will have a successful career in the future, and you may not even know whether all the information you learn in a classroom …show more content…
For example, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, dropped out of Harvard University, and Michael Dell, who innovated Dell computers, also dropped out of the University of Texas at Austin, but they became one of the most successful entrepreneurs. Not only the entrepreneurs, but also some writers, such as F. Scott Fitzgerald who wrote “Great Gatsby,” have succeeded in influencing the society by their great works without being educated at college (Online Education Program, 2015). Since there are many people who have accomplished in their fields without a college education, a college degree is not always a smart investment for careers, and sometimes, it may not require having a good education to be successful.
A higher education has both pros and cons. As some studies show that people may get a better chance to find jobs and to earn a better salary with a degree, attending college is not a negative decision. In some cases, you may need to pursue a higher education, for example, if you want to be a professional which requires a license. Being a college-educated, however, does not always guarantee people to have good careers; yet, people may achieve in their fields with