Instructor Tina Miller
10/21/ 2013
I’m the Happiest man alive” this is what I was saying to myself on 16 May 2013 as my eldest daughter’s name was called and she walked a crossed the stage in the auditorium of University of Missouri Saint Louis. (Franklin, 2013) “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning”. Four years ago my daughter graduated high school and I was unable to attend because of my military obligation of being deployed overseas. On the day of the graduation I contacted my family via Skype and after speaking to my wife and other children my eldest daughter finally sat in front of the computer so I can …show more content…
Tears were rolling down her face smearing her make-up when she said “Dad I understand why you cannot be here but are you going to keep your promise that you made to me and grandma, about you getting your degree?” I felt broken hearted inside because I was not there but for a few seconds my mind drifted off to the morning I made my mother a promise to attend college and graduate.
I can vividly recall sitting in the kitchen of my aunt’s apartment located on the North Eastern corner of building 425 Gates Avenue in the Bedford Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn New York. It was the month of March 1997 and although it was still cold outside, I felt extremely warm, nervousness came over me and my palms were wet and …show more content…
A good college education gives us the expertise to both realize our career goals and also enhance their career goals. An adult may take a job that he or she has to have but not a career that fulfills that personal gratification. Having the expertise or an in-depth knowledge about a specific field certainly can open many doors to brilliant career opportunities or career promotion. While strong work ethics is important a good education allows that individual to be more attractable or eligible for employment in any sector of the