The Importance of College
Going to college will help you get a better job and a better salary later on in life. This is the case because in college you learn a lot of lessons and get to experience different job careers. When you go to college you are more likely to get hired over someone with just a high school diploma. Also you can choose different jobs that you like since you have a wider variety. This gives you a chance to choose the job that you want instead of the only job you can get. You should go to college because people who attend college make more money than those who don’t most of the time. This is because you can get a better job with a college degree and you will get paid more. People with a high school diploma or less has a smaller variety of jobs to choose from. The more years of college you attend the more money you will make in the long run. Also the more years of college you attend the less likely you will be unemployed. With college under your belt you can choose from many different job opportunities. A businesses is more likely to hire someone with experience from college than someone straight out of high school that knows little to nothing. Also with a college degree you can possibly choose your dream job instead of something you don’t like to do. Some people think that going to college is a waste of money and they would be better off if they get a job right after high school. This is true for a short period of time. In the long run going to college will give you a better chance to get a good paying job. So if you attend college you could get a good job and make back the money you spent on college and still continue to make more. So this reason for not going to college is not really true so it is a good idea to go to college. So if you’re thinking about attending college or not, the answer should be yes to attending college because it is the smart choice. There is little to no harm in trying to go to college because it gives you a better chance to be successful in the future. This is because you will be less likely to be unemployed and your job will probably pay you more. If you have a chance to attend college you should go for it because you never know you might like it and it will be good for you in the future. Not everyone has a chance to attend so if you can you should go.