According to the article written by Susan J. Demas on the website it states “College graduates, on average make a whopping one million dollars more in lifetime earnings than those with a highschool diploma.” This statement clearly points out that college graduates make a lot more money than high school graduates make in a lifetime. Also you may think that there are a lot of expenses if you go to college and that if you went to college you would be in debt. But no that’s not the case if you go to college because you can apply for things such as scholarships or you can get a loan from the bank that you can pay off in no time because you’ll be earning so much money from a great job you got because you went to college.
The second reason why I think that college could benefit you more than not going to college is because of health and happiness. Another statement made by Susan J. Demas on the website is states “. Those with college degrees have better health, exercise more, and smoke less. This is related to the fact that their employers are likelier to offer better health plans and perks like gym memberships.” This clearly states that people with college degrees are more likely to be healthier and more likely to be offered better health benefits meaning they are more likely to stay