Tom and Daisy live in the elite East Egg, populated by established families of old money. Gatsby buys an extravagant mansion across from them, in the garish and flashy West Egg, in an attempt to become closer to Daisy. He is obsessed with deconstructing their lives; near the end of the novel, after a fight between the three, he tries to goad Daisy to confess she never loved Tom. She is unable to commit and makes up with Tom after running over Myrtle. The corruption of the Buchanan’s is internal; even before the Myrtle incident, the Buchanan home is in mild and constant turmoil. Domestic violence is hinted on Tom’s part, and an explicitly violent revealed when he attacks Myrtle during their affair. The multiple affairs Tom has with other women have caused the couple to move many times. However, Tom and Daisy stick together, inconsiderate of the lives they had ruined in the
Tom and Daisy live in the elite East Egg, populated by established families of old money. Gatsby buys an extravagant mansion across from them, in the garish and flashy West Egg, in an attempt to become closer to Daisy. He is obsessed with deconstructing their lives; near the end of the novel, after a fight between the three, he tries to goad Daisy to confess she never loved Tom. She is unable to commit and makes up with Tom after running over Myrtle. The corruption of the Buchanan’s is internal; even before the Myrtle incident, the Buchanan home is in mild and constant turmoil. Domestic violence is hinted on Tom’s part, and an explicitly violent revealed when he attacks Myrtle during their affair. The multiple affairs Tom has with other women have caused the couple to move many times. However, Tom and Daisy stick together, inconsiderate of the lives they had ruined in the