(pg.2) chp.1“Then there were bloody towels upon the bathroom floor, and women’s voices scolding, and high over the confusion a long broken wail of pain”. Pg. 37 (chp. 2)“The lights grow brighter as the earth lurches away from the sun…” pg. 40 (chp.3)“So he was aware of the bizarre accusations that flavored conversation in his halls”. Pg. 65 (chp.4) | Text to self- I’m the type to get mad, quick one word can trigger anger to build up inside of me. However to push me to my limit takes a lot and once I am to that point there’s no turning back.Text to text- This reminds me of the movie “Faster” the main character comes out of jail with ten years of anger built up and once he gets out its on. He ends up killing everyone that planned to kill his brother, and once their all dead his tolerance lessened and he could live with himself. Text to world- Everyone in the world at some point becomes angry and everyone’s tolerance differs. At some point the person will reach their maximum and I would hate to see what that person would do once they reach that level.Rhetorical/literary- The word “boasting” really signifies that his level is leading up to the maximum point, and once a person is to that level, it’s hard to come out of it.Text to self- Even though when I get cut on any part of my body I tend to bleed a lot, I still get queasy by the sit of blood. I know our body is filled with blood but I would prefer if it stayed inside of me.Text to text- this reminds me of the show “House” the main character House is a doctor and does hundreds of surgeries involving blood, and the show is so graphic its quite realistic.Text to world- almost everything in the world has some sort of blood, so it’s not uncommon to see blood on a daily basis. When someone has blood come out of their body usually its associated with pain since most people get cut a lot.Rhetorical/literary- the diction is quite
(pg.2) chp.1“Then there were bloody towels upon the bathroom floor, and women’s voices scolding, and high over the confusion a long broken wail of pain”. Pg. 37 (chp. 2)“The lights grow brighter as the earth lurches away from the sun…” pg. 40 (chp.3)“So he was aware of the bizarre accusations that flavored conversation in his halls”. Pg. 65 (chp.4) | Text to self- I’m the type to get mad, quick one word can trigger anger to build up inside of me. However to push me to my limit takes a lot and once I am to that point there’s no turning back.Text to text- This reminds me of the movie “Faster” the main character comes out of jail with ten years of anger built up and once he gets out its on. He ends up killing everyone that planned to kill his brother, and once their all dead his tolerance lessened and he could live with himself. Text to world- Everyone in the world at some point becomes angry and everyone’s tolerance differs. At some point the person will reach their maximum and I would hate to see what that person would do once they reach that level.Rhetorical/literary- The word “boasting” really signifies that his level is leading up to the maximum point, and once a person is to that level, it’s hard to come out of it.Text to self- Even though when I get cut on any part of my body I tend to bleed a lot, I still get queasy by the sit of blood. I know our body is filled with blood but I would prefer if it stayed inside of me.Text to text- this reminds me of the show “House” the main character House is a doctor and does hundreds of surgeries involving blood, and the show is so graphic its quite realistic.Text to world- almost everything in the world has some sort of blood, so it’s not uncommon to see blood on a daily basis. When someone has blood come out of their body usually its associated with pain since most people get cut a lot.Rhetorical/literary- the diction is quite