I have seen how angry Mrs. McCormick gets when people talk over her or be on their phones. Mrs. McCormick gives the student all the information needed for the project or paper. Also I learned that it helps a lot actually reading the novels. I read most of The Great Gatsby and that helped tremendously on that paper. One regret is that I for sure did less than was expected of me. I had senioritis from day one and that affected my value of work. I am satisfied with this class, I loved the free time and the great discussions in here with fellow classmates. A regret though is not working harder on those …show more content…
Effort is needed on all assignments. This includes proofreading and checking grammar. Grammar can make or break a paper, and having a comma slice drops a student down a letter grade. A student also has to give effort when we have library time. I know Mrs.Bachfischer can be a bit much, but has to persevere and get those sources. We live in a day and age where everything has to be cited. Citations are crucial and students often push them off or work their way around them. You have all the sources in front of the student to succeed in this class. A student has the the teacher, who is always there to be help. The student can ask the fellow students for help as well. I did not use enough of either source for this class. I have found out that procrastination is the absolute worst thing to do. My biggest advice is to take good care of your time at school. Stay focused and know when projects are due. The less distracted a student is, the easier it is to be efficient. Use your resources, proofread your