The purpose of Army Regulation 670-1 as stated in chapter 1 paragraph 1-1 is as follows. “This regulation prescribes the authorization for wear, composition, and classification of uniforms, and the occasions for wearing all personal, (clothing bag issue), optional, and commonly worn organizational Army uniforms. It also prescribes the awards, insignia, and accouterments authorized for wear on the uniform, and how these items are worn. General information is also provided on the authorized material, design, and uniform quality control system.” The book answer to the purpose of the regulation only goes so far. If you look further into the regulation it states that the United States Army is a uniformed service that is judged, in part, by the way a soldier wears their uniform. This being said, if a soldier wears their uniform in a manner which is not clean and neat in appearance, and portrays the army poorly, the members of the United States Army would be viewed in a poor and undisciplined manner. Whereas if the members of the United States Army hold themselves to a higher standard, and maintain a neat and clean appearance, the members of the uniformed service will be viewed by the outside world as an organization which personifies what discipline is supposed to be. While we are on the subject of discipline, I think it would be good to explore it and it’s relation to the importance of Army Regulation 670-1. Discipline is one of the cornerstones of the United States Army. Discipline can set you above and beyond everyone else, and it can help you excel in everything you do. What is…
A Persian soldier wore a corset covered in metal plates under his tunic and carried with him a gerron, a shield traditionally made of leather and wicker. While it was suitable for stopping arrows, it offered little protection against Greek spears. Greek soldiers were far more heavily armored. The battle regalia of the Greek soldier consisted of a helmet, a breastplate, leg guards and a shield called a hoplon. Like all armor of this time the helmet was constructed of bronze and covered most of the face and head. The breastplate was a bronze affair that was built to protected the entire torso or a simpler version where the a bronze plate was sewn onto the front of a leather tunic. The leg guards were shaped bronzed covered the leg from knee to ankle. Finally, Greek soldiers carried with them a large round shield called a hoplon giving the Greek soldiers their name:…
The novel begins at the funeral of a young boy’s grandfather in the year 1949. The boy is introduced as sixteen-year-old John Grady Cole who lives in San Angelo, Texas. John Grady is not close with his father but he meets with him and his father gives him a special saddle. Also, John Grady tries to buy the family ranch from his mother but she refuses. (IM)-John Grady decides he does not have anymore use in Texas so he and his friend Rawlins plan to run away. The boys leave and ride south into Mexico. Along the way they meet a young boy who looks around thirteen but says that he is older. He also claims that his name is Jimmy Blevins. It is obvious that he lies a lot so Rawlins does not trust him and keeps telling John Grady that they should…
Our flag has three colors that have become very important to our country: red, white, and blue. The white symbolizes purity and innocence, the red signifies stamina and bravery, and the blue represents vigilance, perseverance, and justice. Some colonists were brave enough to create a flag to show what our country wants our citizens to have. People like…
First the red and yellow. The exact meaning of the colors are still being argued about but the oldest legend says that the red represent the king's blood and the yellow represents his gold shield. So it mean the king's blood in his gold shield. The yellow band in the middle of the red is about 2 times the size of the red bands because the coat of arms is on the yellow band.…
The US Army 670-1 is the basis for the wear and appearance of all military uniforms to include ACU , BDU, DCU, ASU, and all PT uniforms. It was formed so that all soldiers wear the uniform the same to instill discipline and a professional appearance. This regulation applies to officers and enlisted the same. It was formed to give the exact dimensions for badges tabs patches and rank. The proponent of this regulation is the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1. The proponent has the authority to approve exceptions or waivers to this regulation that are consistent with controlling law and regulations. The proponent may delegate this approval authority, in writing, to a division chief within the proponent agency or its direct reporting unit or field operating agency, in the grade of colonel or the civilian equivalent. Activities may request a waiver to this regulation to this regulation by providing justification that includes a full analysis of the expected benefits and must include formal review by the activity’s senior legal officer. All waiver requests will be endorsed by the commander or senior leader of the requesting activity and forwarded through their higher headquarters to the policy proponent. Refer to AR 25-30 for specific guidance. As stated there in the beginning of the 670-1 there is only a few people that actually have the power to change or alter the uniform. So the big things looked for in uniform discrepancies is lopsided rank or badges, gaps in the badges to the army patch. And all ribbons are in order. We have these rules to keep the public view and the universal view of our army as professional and not a group of missfits. A sense of pride should be in every soldier as to how they where there uniform which today soldiers tend to wear the uniform however they please with no corrections or actions taken by those appointed over them. Now this is not only a problem in leadership but in the individual soldier. Todays army problems are starting from the very…
Legion of Honor | Encouraged soldiers to fight better | Battle of Trafalgar | France lost and meant that Britain had naval…
It is a symbol of strength. I know this because in the text it says ¨Forty thousand men, exhausted by nervous expectations, unable to sleep for romantic dreams of battles yet unfought, lay crazily askew in their uniforms¨ (Bradbury 168). This proves my point because it shows that even though before, during, and after The Battle of Shiloh the men were tired and anxious. But they still had the strength to get up and fight. Another example of when the text showed that The Battle of Shiloh ment strength was when it said ¨But here we are, taken with spring fever and thinking it bloodlust¨ (Bradbury 170). This proves my point because it shows that even though the soldiers had horrible conditions, and most of them probably wanted nothing more than to go home, they still were able to muster up the strength to fight the war…
The American Flag has always been representative of the United States of America and the freedom it stands for. One could even call it a symbol, not only of freedom, but of the American people. There are men and women who use this to motivate themselves as they are miles away from their families, fighting for the freedom this flag symbolizes. There are many symbols to represent the american soldiers: the Purple Heart, camouflage, and artillery are only a few. Tim O達rien痴 The Things They Carried is a story about the soldier痴 humanity, and about how beneath the guns of war there is always the man - he shows us…
For example, Boys and Girls scout of America, Adolf Hitler, and military of the US has been observed wearing given uniforms and have respectable standing in general.…
Also like many years ago it measured guns it is now being used to measure the distance between ranks when on parade. It also helps to indicate who is in charge on a parade square. I think this traditional resource instills discipline amongst the students which is one vital element of our military core values. It also gives inspiration to students as many always ask what they need to do to become a drill instructor.…
b. No jewelry, other than that described in paragraph 1–14a, above, will appear exposed while wearing the uniform; this includes watch chains, or similar items, and pens and pencils. The only authorized exceptions are religious items described in para 1–7b, above; a conservative tie tack or tie clasp that male soldiers may wear with the black four-in- hand necktie; and a pen or pencil that may appear exposed on the hospital duty, food service, CVC, or flight uniforms.…
There is no official definition of the term "loss of colors." However, the term, in common usage, refers to the capture of a unit's colors (flags) by the enemy in battle, or the taking away of a unit's colors as a punishment or disciplinary measure. Unit colors were a great source of pride, and victories or defeats were often expressed in terms of colors being captured from or lost to the enemy. During the Civil War, many awards of the Medal of Honor were made for the capture or defense of colors. Even then however, units which lost their colors remained intact and continued to fight. Modern warfare tactics do not call for rallying points in the open,…
Symbols and colors had a lot to do with the way people of the French revolution carried themselves. For the people of the French Revolution many things were not just things they showed what that individual represented and how the individual wanted to be perceived. Everything had meaning and stood for something. People’s dress and objects they had represented their role and beliefs towards the nation. One cartoon that shows the distinction of the two different types of citizens through the government’s view was “active and passive citizens.” (active and passive citizen, 2001) In this cartoon it is from the anti revolutionists that want to split the two different types of revolutionaries. The two types are ones with land and ones without land. In the cartoon the nobility are showing that the only the revolutionaries who had land could participate in political process. With that cartoon I believed the revolutionaries proved the government and the nobility work by their clothes and symbols they revolutionaries carried around, revolutionaries wanted liberty no matter if they had land or not. There were many items that the revolutionaries shared to show their nationalism. One way to show nationalism in your house hold was to have plates that resembled liberty. The revolutionaries had plates that showed very detail in what the plate represented. In the plate…
Also, the photo indicates that wearing same uniforms is easier to control students. By stating the original reason of being introduced to wear uniforms is help with discipline where appears to tradition and custom, it encourages the reader to resist change, and to feel there are reasons why people chose to wear same uniform in the past. Approvers who are agree in not wearing uniform in schools states a counter example of Australian Army with uniform and discipline. The fact of they reject a new pink uniform positions the reader to agree that uniforms are not reasons of students being self-discipline. Also, combined with the statement of one student, “choosing what you want to wear is a fundamental human right” to make a question of why students cannot be treated equally as the soldiers, which can create a sense of sympathy for the reader. Meanwhile, it indicates how unwilling these students are wearing uniforms, which has effect on making the reader to consider if uniforms is really good for students.…