Amy Hempel
Amy Hempel’s “The Harvest,” is a tale about a lady who is seriously harmed in a car incident. Then she informed us what areas of the tale were real.” The females then said “I really was in a car incident,” she said. “And everything about the medical center is real, except my leg only needed three number of stitching. And then, Hempel does the wonderful factor that requires this from an awesome little tale to something amazing. The Harvest" is separated into seven brief segments. It is set somewhere in the Area at the end of Sept and the starting of Oct. The un-named narrator, a migrant village employee, believes this is the best season because the performance is nearly over and he and his other employees will soon be able to come back to Florida. Then the primary personality, Don Trine, is presented. He walking through the areas every mid-day, and he wants to do this alone, becoming upset if anyone tries to go along with him.
The next area is a conversation between categories of un-named employees, who perform together with Don Trine. They talk about the possible factors for Trine's walking, which challenge them. One says that it is Trine's company what he does; another believes it is unusual that he walking alone. Next, the narrator reviews on how the gossips about Trine propagate.
At the completing factor the narrator said “It is real we were going for supper when it occurred. But the position where you can see everything without having to pay attention to any of it was not beach on a cove; it was the top of Install Tamalpais. We had the supper with us as we advancing up the rotating hill road. This is the tale that has space for amazing insincerity, so you will not thoughts when I say that for the next several weeks, from my medical center bed, I had a dead-on amazing perspective of that very hill.