Social Stratification
Professor Baker
November 19, 2013
The Harvest
The Harvest was an educational documentary film. The documentary talked about agriculture child labor in America and the effects it has on them and their families. In this paper it will explain how the documentary The Harvest ties into Gerhard Lenski’s theory of stratification, as well as the concept of social stratification. The Harvest documentary talked about The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and how is has different standards for children working in agriculture than in any other industry and also to bring awareness of the harsh working environments which tens of thousands of children face in the United States each year. Definition of Concepts
This documentary is based off of Gerhard Lenski’s theory of power, privilege, and prestige which he regarded as the laws of distribution that ties in with the concept of social stratification. Gerhard Lenski’s theory is about “power which will determine the distribution of nearly all of the surplus possessed by a society” (Lenski, 1966). As well power is about political sway that refers to the membership, and participation of individuals in a society. Next, is understanding what Gerhard Lenski theory is referring to in regards to privilege. Privilege refers to possession or control of goods by a society. “Privilege is largely a function of power, and to a very limited degree, a function of altruism” (Lenski, 1966). Then, there is prestige, or status is the respect that people are given by others. Which is also referred to as social class, which helps understand people with similar incomes and occupations who share similar lifestyles. Finally, social stratification is a concept involving the layering of groups of people according to their relative level of power, prestige, and property.
Video Information
While watching The Harvest documentary it talked about how there are more than 400,000 American children who are