Mr. Wilcoxon
English Composition I
November 4, 2014
The Hero’s Journey
There are many steps of “The Hero’s Journey”. The first step of The Hero’s Journey is the ‘Ordinary World’. The ‘Ordinary World’ allow us to get to know the Hero and identify with him before the Journey begins. This step refers to the hero 's normal life at the start of the story.
Next, is the ‘Call to Adventure’ and the hero is faced with something that makes him start his adventure. This might be a problem or a challenge he needs to overcome. Following that step is ‘Refusal of the Call‘; when the hero attempts to refuse the adventure because he is afraid. After that is ‘Meeting the Mentor’ which is where the hero encounters someone who can give him advice and ready him for the journey ahead. In the fifth step, ‘Crossing the First Threshold’, the hero leaves his “ordinary world” and starts his journey. ‘Tests, Allies and Enemies’ means the hero will learn the rules of his new world and encounters new challenges and Tests, makes Allies and Enemies . The ‘Approach’ step is when setbacks occur, sometimes causing the hero to try a new method or approach. The next step is ‘Ordeal’ and the hero experiences a major problem. ‘Reward’ is the step which after the hero survived death the hero earns his reward or accomplishes his goal. The tenth step is ‘The Road Back’; the hero begins his journey back to his ordinary life. ‘Resurrection Hero’ is the step where the hero has a final mission using all he has learned.
The final step is ‘Return with Elixir’. The hero Returns to the “ordinary world”, but the journey is meaningless unless he brings back some “elixir”, treasure, or lesson from the “new world”. The “elixir” is the knowledge or experience that could be useful to all that remain.
Shrek is an Epic Hero although most people find the film “Shrek” to be just a comical film; it fulfills the requirements needed to prove that Shrek is indeed a hero. “Once upon a time, there was a lovely