Though there was a change in race issues after the civil war, there was no debate that there was some sort of seperation between people of color and white people, even if you were an American citizen and had gained the rights to do certain things. Yet, people of color were said to be “free” although they weren’t free to do simple things like drink from the same bubbler as a white man or woman. People of color were considered to be at the bottom of what was called the heirarchy of race and thus had the least amount of freedom than those who were above them on that pyramid. A professor called Micheal Hunt in his article named The Hierarchy of Race mentions that “By the beginning of the twentieth century the issue of the place of blacks in American society rested on the same foundation that it had three centuries earlier” (page 3). This same foundation that he speaks of is the fake knowledge and mentality that blacks are inferior and white people are superior and therefore people of color should be under the control of white people. He is basically saying that even though people of color were released from slavery, they were not freed in the minds of those who …show more content…
To understand how the emancipation proclamation actually wasn’t a form of freedom, the word “freedom” and “emancipation” would have to be defined. Freedom defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is “ the quality or state of being free: such as the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action”. Emancipation defined in that same dictionary is “to free from restraint, control, especially: to free from bondage”. The difference between the two is that when an individual is free, they are free physically, mentally and wholistically to make choices but, to be emancipated you are only physically “free from” the hands of someone who has you in constraint, but the objective is to always keep you under control. Just as if a child is emancipated from their parents; at the end of the say they are still a child and have to abide by the rules of someone superior even if it isn’t their parents. Emanicpation is something that somebody gives you, freedom is something that you take. To further explain this, we can look at the story behind Juneteenth. Juneteenth is a holiday that celebrates the release of enslaved African Americans on the day of June 19th 1865, two years after the emancipation proclamation was in affect. Slaves had been emancipated for two and a half years yet those in the south did not know that they had been freed. Their slave masters deliberately chose not to share the news