During World War II, under the command of Adolf Hitler, then the Hitler Youth was started. 2.3 million boys and girls between ten and eighteen are in the Hitler Youth organization. They believed in the importance of rediscovering nature without any modern conveniences. The Nazi Party employed, the Hitler Youth is considered among the most unnerving. Boys and girls joined the Hitler Youth organization. Boys aged ten to thirteen joined the German Young people. Then boys aged six to ten joined the Little Fellows. Also boys aged fourteen to eighteen joined the Hitler Youth. Girls aged ten to fourteen joined the Young Maidens. And the girls aged fourteen to twenty-one joined League of Young Maidens. Hitler believed that the future of German …show more content…
Designed to help future loyalists for secret service, Gestapo, and other Nazi Party organizations. Hitler had very little tolerance for those he considered to be very weak. After World War I ended, the allies forced the disbandment of the Hitler Youth. The Nazi Party employed, the Hitler Youth is considered among the most unnerving. Hitler Youth only had about 107,000 members in it. The song old German folks songs around the campfire and greeting each other by singing ‘’Heil.’’ The different things about nature and how many members were in the Hitler Youth. They believed in importance of rediscovering nature without any modern conveniences. At the end of 1933, the hitler youth had 2,300,000 members. By the end of 1927, a further requirement turning eighteen had to join the storm troopers. September 1938 the