One such story talks about a man who was so attached to his wealth that when he was asked to get rid of it for the ultimate reward he refused because of his greed. The situation won't exactly be the same but this could happen to anyone. There is another story about a king who is a dictator and has strict control of his people and demands high taxes. He was later dethroned and killed because of it. This relates to modern rulers like Saddam Hussein, who controlled every aspect of his people's lives but was later captured. Anyone can learn from others mistakes, found in The Holy …show more content…
It can be read for pure entertainment. There are many stories in the pure manuscripts that are very intriguing. Like the story about "Noah and the Ark." It is about a man who builds an enormous boat and puts two of every animal in it. This staggers the imagination. How could someone put two of every animal in the world in his boat? There is also a story in The Good Book that talks about a man who is riding a donkey and keeps on beating it to go faster. The donkey then talks and asks why his master is beating him. That story is quite entertaining and there is many more like it in the sacred