He treats all of them very well by spoiling them with treats, but in the end, they all end up dying for the same purpose, to keep El Patron alive. This is until Matt. This is why there are multiple clones in the mirror. Matt states many things throughout the book that shows he feels like a reflection of El Patron and cares about El Patron even though he knows that El Patron is harvesting him for organs to live longer. Much like his prison of a home, mirrors do not comfort people and often show defects. Matt spent much of him time alone with his music knowing that his life could end at any time. "Underneath Matt felt a hollowness. He understood he was only a photograph of a human, and that meant he wasn't really important. Photographs could lie forgotten in drawers for years. They could be thrown away." (Farmer Eighty
He treats all of them very well by spoiling them with treats, but in the end, they all end up dying for the same purpose, to keep El Patron alive. This is until Matt. This is why there are multiple clones in the mirror. Matt states many things throughout the book that shows he feels like a reflection of El Patron and cares about El Patron even though he knows that El Patron is harvesting him for organs to live longer. Much like his prison of a home, mirrors do not comfort people and often show defects. Matt spent much of him time alone with his music knowing that his life could end at any time. "Underneath Matt felt a hollowness. He understood he was only a photograph of a human, and that meant he wasn't really important. Photographs could lie forgotten in drawers for years. They could be thrown away." (Farmer Eighty