The movie The Imitation Game accurately depicts the Nazis’ use of enigma, the work at Bletchley Park, and also the accomplishments of Alan Turing. The enigma code was extremely complex and would have taken twice the age of the universe to break. Without the great minds of Britain, it might have never been accomplished. Secrecy also played a major role in cracking enigma and beating the Nazis. Guards at Bletchley Park checked the employees for any papers before they left. The government did this to ensure that spies did not find out about their work and change enigma. It would have never been broken if it wasn’t for Alan Turing. He successfully built the machine that was programmed to crack enigma. He also strategically informed the government on what to do in order to win some battles but didn’t inform them of some attacks so that the Nazis would not figure out that enigma had been broken. The movie keeps you entertained and also informs you about the events that happened during that era. It is a great movie for anyone that wants to learn about events from the past but also be entertained at the same
The movie The Imitation Game accurately depicts the Nazis’ use of enigma, the work at Bletchley Park, and also the accomplishments of Alan Turing. The enigma code was extremely complex and would have taken twice the age of the universe to break. Without the great minds of Britain, it might have never been accomplished. Secrecy also played a major role in cracking enigma and beating the Nazis. Guards at Bletchley Park checked the employees for any papers before they left. The government did this to ensure that spies did not find out about their work and change enigma. It would have never been broken if it wasn’t for Alan Turing. He successfully built the machine that was programmed to crack enigma. He also strategically informed the government on what to do in order to win some battles but didn’t inform them of some attacks so that the Nazis would not figure out that enigma had been broken. The movie keeps you entertained and also informs you about the events that happened during that era. It is a great movie for anyone that wants to learn about events from the past but also be entertained at the same