Design and Applied Arts
The impact of “3R” principles to cardboard furniture
Si Qiu
BDes(Hons)Product Design
Dr. Jane Cooksey
1. Chapter 1: Introduction
2. Chapter 2: The rise of cardboard furniture
3. Chapter 3: How do the 3R principles affect design? a.Reduce Design b.Reuse Design c.Recycle Design
4. Chapter 4: Paper furniture’s development and design trends. a.Participating in DIY b.Maintain traditional furniture functionality and ease of use c.Establish a unified standard structure and interface standards
5. Conclusion
6. Glossary
Paper materials used in furniture design have brought in a new direction(Stark,2009) witch have innovation, environmental friendliness, functionality, aesthetics and suitability benefits. Over use of paperboard and corrugated paper furniture design made a big step towards green design in the materials and processing technology, along with the economied cycle are the most important used 3R principle "reduction, reuse, recycle" (Srinivas).
Circular economy is used to achieve sustainable human development of a new economic development model, change economic growth, from resource consumption into the cycle of ecological resources. 3R principle is: "Reduce, reuse, recycle". Circular economy system, can maintain economic production of low cost,high-quality, low-waste, which will make efficient use of natural resources and to minimize the environmental the damage(Srinivas).
Paper material is a non-toxic, non-polluting, easily recycled, reusable, easily degradable material(Walton,2007:p18). Paper materials develop a new field for furniture design(Hlrai,2010). Compared with ordinary furniture, it is the same with innovation, environmental friendliness, functionality, aesthetics, applicability.How cardboard furniture is a viable
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