to the attempted closure of all bathhouses in San Francisco to slow the spread of the disease(And the Band Played On, 1993). The gay community spoke out against this closure and bathhouses are still around today. New York was also very affected by this disease because of its gay population. A single flight attendant infected 200-300 people per year. He was the source for over 1,000 cases in the United States (And the Band Played On, 1993). He traveled all across the country and had multiple partners in every city who did not know they were being infected. These newly infected people went on to have other partners and spread the disease throughout the country. This also affected society in the way that it made communities treat gay people even more unfairly than they were already being treated. This caused a divide in many households, families, and communities. Many people’s families disowned them when they found out they were infected. Businessowners did not want people with Aids to patronize their businesses because they thought it could be transmitted through the air, spit, and sweat.
to the attempted closure of all bathhouses in San Francisco to slow the spread of the disease(And the Band Played On, 1993). The gay community spoke out against this closure and bathhouses are still around today. New York was also very affected by this disease because of its gay population. A single flight attendant infected 200-300 people per year. He was the source for over 1,000 cases in the United States (And the Band Played On, 1993). He traveled all across the country and had multiple partners in every city who did not know they were being infected. These newly infected people went on to have other partners and spread the disease throughout the country. This also affected society in the way that it made communities treat gay people even more unfairly than they were already being treated. This caused a divide in many households, families, and communities. Many people’s families disowned them when they found out they were infected. Businessowners did not want people with Aids to patronize their businesses because they thought it could be transmitted through the air, spit, and sweat.