In Lorena Garcia’s book Respect yourself, Protect Yourself the situation of school sexual education is brought up with how it’s a bias system that lacks in teaching students proper sexual education. The system as Hochschild puts it “Research on sex education has revealed that sex education policies are informed by national and local struggles over the meaning and consequences of gender, race, class, and sexual categories” (Hochschild, 1994). Hochschild quote is supported throughout this book by the experiences that the young Latina women face during high school sex education. Non-stop examples how the system is flawed with problems of heteronormative, class-based notions of sexuality, and racism.…
Sexism is defined as the overarching system of advantages bestowed upon men. As a prejudice and discriminatory ideology based on gender, founded on a patriarchal structure of male dominance promoted through individual, institutional, social, and cultural systems. As an umbrella unfairly placed above the heads of men in the presence of a monsoon, leaving the women cold, wet, and yearning for equality. The insidious ideology that fuels sexism in culture not only perpetuates misogynistic dogmatism, but poses as a direct threat to women’s safety and self-esteem in various ways. The most commonly overlooked form of sexism is the “Friend-zone”, a manifestation of misogynistic ideology created by vapid petulant men who refuse to take “no” for an answer, and is used as an excuse for aggressive male dominance as well as sexual and domestic violence. According to the friend…
Withers Osmond and Patricia Yancey Martin’s article discuss the topic of sex and sexism. It’s an analysis of sex-role attitudes by sex of respondent highlights the sex role concept. They examined both roles of both sexes in terms of four theoretical components; marcolevel social change issues, familial role of both sexes, extrafamilial role of females and the stereotype of both sexes. Within the four components males and female tend to have the least differences in macrolevel social change issues and the familial role of both sexes. They however…
Although gender discrimination is hidden with the other social norms, it is present and has a great impact on the daily lives of both men and women. Sexism has a similar effect on society like bacteria; while it may be beneficial for some, it can be harmful to others. This concept is what creates the significant gap between genders, while giving the impression that one gender, generally the male, is superior to the other. Sexism has made its way into a part of daily life; it is simply inevitable for the general population to follow the typical roles, established since the beginnings of the development of humanity. The basic foundations of the roles of men and women are heavily influenced by sexism; therefore, gender discrimination is clearly…
Despite living in a society that is saturated with sexual media and conscious of the wide prevalence of premarital sex, there is still an unspoken insecurity that comes with addressing human sexuality. This is demonstrated by national policies that fund abstinence education instead of comprehensive sex education, laws that specifically outlaw sexual pleasure such as a ban on vibrators in 6 states, and continued queasiness about the topics of homosexuality and sexual identities beyond the established “norm”.…
Sexism against women- Sexism still pervades in our society. A clear example of this is the way Hillary Clinton was treated in the elections. Hillary faced many gender-based abuse by the media and many individuals. “Multiple studies on women in national security have shown concerns about the progression of women into senior leadership positions (Erbe, 2008).” Some feel women are inferior to men, this is clearly a form of sexism. Statistics from U.S. Bureau of Justice indicates that women are much more likely than men to experience “nonfatal intimate partner violence”. 30% of female homicide victims are estimated to have been killed by intimate partners in comparison to 5% male homicide victims. In the past, women were not included in higher education. When women were included in higher education , they were encouraged into majors that were less intellectual. Women have been excluded from participating in many professions. Based on a 2009 study conducted by Cornell University on the topic of CEOs, research suggests that while being obese limit’s the career opportunities of both women and men, being a bit overweight harms only female executives and may actually benefit male executives. There’s also a disparity of wages between men and women. Today, women earn 75% of the income of men. Research conducted suggest that mothers are 44% less likely to be…
One of the biggest problems today’s society has is change. Society fears the oncoming storm of liberal ideas as well as the ever changing mass of people who aren’t afraid to speak up about topics like “gender”, which is arguably as broad and debatable as they come. The amount of people educated in this topic, however, is not so extensive. Many people only have knowledge of what a man and woman should be based on their society’s rules. Others understand and accept that “gender only exists as a comparative quality” and choose to not divide “certain types of behaviors … as masculine or feminine” (Scantlebury). The problem of gender stereotyping and normalization has become more recognized over the…
Sexism runs rampant through the institutions of contemporary life. While politics, marriage, education, and athletics are a few of many institutions plagued by sexism, women’s healthcare is perhaps the most egregious of them all because it is a life or death proposition. Women’s healthcare is often put second to men’s healthcare, as physicians neglect to recognize the biological differences between the sexes. This results in women receiving improper treatment for their symptoms or having their needs entirely neglected. Not only do these issues affect women, but also, being that females are child bearers, the lack of attention paid to female health potentially impacts the wellbeing of future children. A number of changes should be implemented…
Analyze the impact of historical and cultural determinants of gender, sexual behavior, and attitudes spanning global and…
Soaring rates of sexually transmitted diseases among teens are adding urgency to the debate over sex education. Conservatives claim the alarming statistics illustrate why abstinence should be the single mantra when it comes to sex ed. Liberals counter that the increase in disease is the strongest case for more detailed information. Caught in the middle are America’s kids, who are more vulnerable than ever to potentially deadly diseases.…
We received a document prepared for the White House Task Force to Protect students from sexual assault, and in this report, there was evidence-based strategies for the primary prevention of sexual violence perpetration. These included policy suggestions and practices to improve safety, addressing social norms and behavior with messages from trusted and influential voices, as well as training student bystanders to intervene. But the most effective prevention strategy to combatting sexual violence was through comprehensive sexual education. The primary goal of sexuality education is the promotion of sexual health. In 1975, the World Health Organization offered this definition of sexual health: Sexual health is the integration of the somatic, emotional, intellectual, and social aspects of sexual being, in ways that are positively enriching and that enhance personality, communication, and love. Fundamental to this concept are the right to sexual information and the right to pleasure. Thus the notion of sexual health implies a positive approach to human sexuality, and the purpose of sexual health care should be the enhancement of life and personal relationships and not merely counseling and care related to procreation or sexuality transmitted diseases (WHO, 1975). I order to…
Connolly, M., Breckman, R., Callahan, J., Lachs, M., Ramsey-Klawsnik, H., & Solomon, J. (2012). The Sexual Revolution’s Last Frontier: How Silence About Sex Undermines Health, Well-being, and Safety In Old Age. Generations. 36(3), 43-52.…
Gayle Rubin created the sex/gender system concept in the year 1975. She created this term to offer a new way of thinking about the difference between sex and gender. She defined the sex/gender system as “the set of arrangements by which a society transforms biological sexuality into products of human activity, and which these transformed sexual needs are satisfied” (WRWC, 2015). The sex/gender system has many explanations that attempt to address how our sex plays a role in how we learn gender. A few of these theories include: cognitive-developmental theory, social learning theory, gender schema theory, social interactions and gender roles, and lastly, performativity theory. In this essay I will explain how the sex/gender system is created and reinforced from the perspectives of feminist theorists.…
The insecurity that affects how we see ourselves, our body image, our weight, our height, our skin color, etc. This self-doubt for our appearance has broken us down as we are constantly trying to compare ourselves to people who, by majority’s standard of beauty, are considered attractive. We try to change ourselves in order to conform to everyone's preconceived notions of beauty. “Everyone suffers from this constant emphasis on appearance as it encourages people to separate the body from the individual as a person… In any case, the body becomes an object that exists for sexual pleasure, leading to self-objectification. Self-objectification, in turn, is connected to eating disorders, depression and sexual dysfunction.” (Shadia Duske) This article written on the sexualization of women shows how sexual content and the sexualization of their gender has caused them to be severely afflicted. Women have been forced to integrate themselves into our more contemporary structure, lest they face judgement by their peers. Judgement for not being “Attractive” and for being “Ugly.” All persons alike should not be set in a situation where they must perform in a precise manner just to please the people around us. The misconception on how everyone must meet a certain standard, follow a certain ideal, reach a certain expectation, all in order to be accepted by our peers is without a doubt…
Gender may be defined as one`s identity as male or female. It is a social concept and this term according to Stebbins (1990) is related to the one`s awareness of oneself as a sexual being and as thinking, and behaving. The unequal treatment base on that identity is known as gender inequality.…