Dawn Schroeder
Liberty University
Human Growth and Development
Dr. Jaesook Gho
February 18, 2013
The author presents the results from reviewing empirical research which studied the effects of traumatic death on the development of an adolescent. The studies included children and adolescents which had been impacted by traumatic events. While traumatic death can affect the development of an adolescent, most adolescents will process through the normal bereavement stages and carry on with life. On the other end of the spectrum, some adolescents will experience abnormal grieving which can cause complications such as childhood traumatic grief disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder, which in turn can effect an adolescent’s development, especially since the brain is still in the developing stages. This study explores the negative choices an adolescent may choose to numb the pain, such as alcohol, drugs, or risky behaviors which can also having troubling consequences for the developing adolescent. As well as reporting the risks involved as the adolescent processes life after a traumatic death, this paper also addresses early intervention and the role of the caregivers.
The Impact of Traumatic Death in the Life of an Adolescent
The author’s town recently experienced a tragic accident, which left two teenage girls for dead, and a few weeks later, their close friend took his life by suicide. Needless to say, the lives of many peers have been thrown into major upheaval. One adolescent in particular, known to be friendly, loving, and honorable, is now of deep concern to his parents and close loved ones. Since the death of his girlfriend and two close friends, he has become an adolescent who bursts into anger, calling his mother names while using profanity, he sleeps little, no longer eats at the family dinner table, and avoids any family members or places which bring back
References: Bowlby, J. (1961). Processes of mourning. Int J Psychoanal., 42, 317-339. Ku¨ bler-Ross, E. (1969). On death and dying. New York, NY: Macmillan. Lemma, A. (2010). The power of relationship: a study of key working as an intervention with traumatized young people. Journal Of Social Work Practice, 24(4), 409-427. http://dx.doi.org/ Maciejewski, P Mannarino, A. P., & Cohen, J. A. (2011). Traumatic loss in children and adolescents. Journal Of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 4(1), 22-33. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19361521.2011.545048 McClatchy, I., Vonk, M., & Palardy, G Nader, K. (2011). Trauma in children and adolescents: issues related to age and complex traumatic reactions. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 4(3), 161-180. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19361521.2011.597373 OAPP adolescent trauma Paris, M. M., Carter, B. L., Day, S. X., & Armsworth, M. W. (2009). Grief and trauma in children after the death of a sibling. Jornal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 2:2, 71-80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19361520902861913 Parkes, C