Victorians took the issue of romance, courtship, engagement and marriage very seriously and strictly followed a set of rules in which a man can interact with a woman. The rules of the Victorian era regarding the interaction of a man and a woman were that a man and a woman were not allowed to communicate with each other unless introduced by a mutual friend or a family member. A woman was only allowed to talk to a man if another older woman was around. No physical contact was allowed between a man and a woman unless they were engaged. A woman was not allowed to flirt with a man through the use of words, but flirting with a fan was acceptable. These were one of the few rules that were set at the time. Towards the end of Act I, we will see many examples of where these rules are violated and examples where these rules were followed by the main characters of Act I (Gwendolen, Jack and Lady Bracknell).
Towards the end of Act I, where the conversation between Gwendolen and Jack are going against the norms of Victorian behavior as the flirty language exchanged between the two can be identified. The quote “Whenever people talk to me about the weather, I always feel quite certain that they mean something else” suggests that Gwendolen acknowledges the attempts of Jack