Cultural knowledge is very essential in the treatment of patients, and nurses must constantly stay current and grow with the profession, this includes understanding your patients’ needs culturally and medically. Cultural sensitivity and an awareness of differences is an important dimension that all nurses should have, and the lack there off can negativity impact the patient’s health outcome. Differences in cultures, values, and beliefs often affect the outcome of the healthcare experience. This introductory course on cultural diversity will provides an overview of cultural diversity and discusses various dimensions and issues of diversity. This course will also provide nurses with the fundamental tools that will enable …show more content…
30 points
4. Creativity 10 points
5. Organization and clarity of presentation 10 points
6. Timeliness in posting PowerPoint and summary on discussion board 10 points
7. References, APA format, grammar, spelling 20 points 200 points
1. Choose one of the following and post for peer review and critique.
a. Develop a journal assignment for a clinical course. Include the objectives to be met, directions for completion, and criteria for evaluation.
A. This assignment is designed to allow you to demonstrate your general knowledge of cultural diversity in healthcare.
B. Select a scholarly article to critique that relate to cultural diversity in healthcare. Article must be within five years.
C. The paper must be 2 pages or more not including cover page, and in APA format.
D. Provide a brief overview of the article, its purpose, focus and audience 5. Identify several key elements, concepts or ideas and discuss why they are important. Critique any strengths or weakness in the article and state your reasons for this opinion
6. Include a strong balance of personal reaction as well as summarized