1.1 Explain what is meant by:
Diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and understanding our individual differences. These differences can be due to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs or other ideologies. EQUALITY
Equality means that everyone is valued as an individual and where everyone is given equal status, rights and opportunities regardless of the differences explained above in diversity. INCLUSION
Inclusion is based upon the idea of allowing everyone equal access to a service regardless of gender, disability, religion etc.
1.2 Describe the potential effects of discrimination
Discrimination happens when an individual is treated differently without justification. This can have negative effects on people being cared for in a health and social care setting. This can lead to a person not using health and social care provision which can lead to a decline in health. It can lead to people losing their sense of self-worth or self-esteem resulting in a depressed state and the service user becoming withdrawn.
1.3 Explain how inclusive practice promotes equality and supports diversity
Inclusive practice is about the attitudes, approaches and strategies taken to ensure that people are no excluded or isolated. It means supporting diversity by accepting and welcoming peoples differences, and promoting equality by ensuring equal opportunities for all. I.e. tailoring each individuals care package to meet their specific needs ensures they are able to reach their full potential ensuring inclusive practice.
2.1 Explain how legislation and codes of practice relating to equality diversity and discrimination apply to your own work role Health and social care providers are obliged to incorporate legislation relating to equality, diversity and discrimination into their policies and procedures. Workplace procedures dictate best practice regarding how work activities must be carried out, and they must be followed. Anything else would be a contravention of the law, in this case the breaching of an individuals right to fair treatment. The UK has in place numerous pieces of legislation, rules regulations, guidance documents and statutory codes of practice all of which are in place to promote diversity, ensure equality and end discrimination. Within my role those that most closely affect those in my care are the following: The Human Rights Act 1998
Contains 16 basic rights which affect all aspects of human rights. For those in my care who rely heavily on the support of others to meet their daily needs it is important that I am aware of these ensuring they are upheld. The Sex Discrimination Act 1975
This makes it unlawful to discriminate against men or women. As a care provider I must ensure that everyone is treated fairly regardless of sexual orientation. Health and Social card Act 2008
This act established the Care Quality Commission whose remit is to protect and promote the rights of people using health and social care services in England to quality care and regulate its provision. I know that my care facility can be audited by the CQC at any time and I have to ensure that we uphold the level of service expected by our service users. Race Relations Act 1976 (amended 2000)
This states that everyone must be treated fairly regardless of their race, nationality or ethnic or national origins and as a care provider I must ensure this is upheld. Disability Discrimination Act 1995
This states that a person with a disability must not be treated less fairly than someone who is able bodied. As a care provider it is my duty to ensure that all services and facilities are accessible to all to ensure and that care packages are updated regularly to reflect any changes in needs. General Social Care Council Code of Practice
Describes the standards and conduct within which social care workers and employers should work. As a social care provider it is important these are adhered to ensuring a consistent level of care. Care Standards Act 2000
Regulated by the National Care Standards Commission who are responsible for the registration and inspection of all care homes and private healthcare facilities in England. Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults
Ensures any adult at risk of abuse, exploitation, or neglect is able to access support to enable them to lead a life free from violence and abuse. As a service provider it is my responsibility to attend training to ensure my ability to recognise the signs and symptoms of abuse and also the correct procedures to follow and how to record and report it.
3.1 Demonstrate actions that model inclusive practice
Inclusive practice is best practice. Health and Social Care workers demonstrate inclusive practice by working in ways that recognise, respect, value and make the most of all aspects of diversity. Having a sound awareness of and responding sensitively to an individuals diverse needs supports them in developing a sense of belonging, well-being and confidence in their identity and capabilities and it helps them to achieve their potential. In addition inclusive practice involves having an understanding of the impact that discrimination, inequality and social exclusion can have on an individuals physical and mental health. All this should be taken into account when ® Care plans are written ensuring appropriate personalised care and support. ®Activities are developed ensuring individuals are able to take part and are encouraged to do so. ®Making sure individuals are aware of all services available to them and are given the correct resources enabling them to access them.
3.2 Demonstrate how to support others to promote equality and rights As a care provider it is my responsibility to ensure all members of staff have the correct information on all service users to ensure they are being treated equally and their rights are being observed at all times. This may mean that when a day trip is being organised all manner of mobility aids need to be considered for suitable transport to get to the venue and suitable access once there for wheelchairs, frames etc. The timing of an activity may need to take into account individuals religious beliefs with regards to visits to church or times of prayer etc. Ensuring all members of staff both new and old are aware of what is meant by equality, diversity and inclusion and how best to put it into practice will also promote its awareness within the care setting along with leading by example
3.3 Describe how to challenge discrimination in a way that promotes change
Firstly I would talk to whomever I witnessed during the discriminatory incident to gauge whether they were aware of their actions and to clarify my understanding of what I witnessed. By making a person aware of the facts as I saw them I would hope to educate them and change their opinions and actions in the future. Once I was confident of what I had witnessed I would record and report it to my line manager/home manager. I would also explain to the individual why their actions were unacceptable and within the remit of local and government guidelines why I had to report the incident. I hope that I actively challenge discrimination on a daily basis by acting as a role model for positive behaviour thus empowering individuals to challenge discrimination themselves
Level 3
1.1 Describe the duties and responsibilities of own work role
My duties and responsibilities are described in my job description which relates to the area of health and social care in which I work and my work place. My responsibilities are governed by relevant legislation and the GSCC code of practice. My workplace policies and procedures are built around these legislations and code of practice, which in turn defines my job description.
1.2 Explain expectations about own work role as expressed in relevant standards
I refer to the GSCC code of practice which states:
Protect the rights and promote the interests of service users Strive to establish and maintain the trust and confidence of service users Promote the independence of service users whilst protecting them as far as possible from danger or harm to themselves or others Uphold public trust and confidence in your service
Be accountable for the quality of my work and take responsibility for maintaining and improving my knowledge and skills.
2.1 Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of service provided
As part of my role it is important to carry out reflective practice. Reflective practice means thinking about and evaluating what we do and discussing any changes which could be. This means focusing on how we interact with colleagues, service users and the environment. It means thinking about how we could have done something differently, what we could have done better (just because something has always been done a particular way doesn’t mean it’s the only way), How we can improve what we have done. It also means reflecting our own values, beliefs and experiences which shape our thoughts and ideas. This will allow us to obtain a clearer picture of our own behaviour and a better understanding of our strengths and weaknesses so that we can learn from our own mistakes and take appropriate future actions. Thus improving the quality of our performance and the service provided.
2.3 Describe how own values, belief systems and experiences may affect working practice
Everyone has different values, beliefs, preferences and experiences. What you believe in, what you see as important and what you see as acceptable or desirable is an essential part of who you are. The way in which you respond to people is linked to what you believe in, what you consider important and what interests you. You may find you react positively to people who share your values and less warmly to people who have different priorities. When you develop friendships it is natural to spend time with people who share your interests and values or who have had similar experiences. However, the professional relationships you develop with people you support are another matter. As a professional you are required to provide the same quality of support for all, not just for those who share your views and beliefs. This may seem obvious but knowing what you need to do and achieving it successfully are not the same thing. Working in care you are bound to come across people whose views you do not agree with and who never seem to understand your point of view. Awareness of differences, your reaction to them and how they affect the way you work is a crucial part of personal and professional development. If you allow your own preferences to dominate your work with people you will fail to perform to the codes and standards which require you to provide an equal, non-discriminatory and inclusive service to all individuals.
3.1 Evaluate own knowledge, performance and understanding against relevant standards
It is my responsibility to ensure that my skills and knowledge base are kept up to date as legislation and procedures are constantly changing. I achieve this by all attending all mandatory trainings i.e. Moving & Handling, First Aid, Fire, S.O.V.A etc. It is important for the health and well-being of my service users that I am working with the relevant knowledge.
4.1 Identify sources of support for planning and reviewing own development
It is important to have a development plan so as to have something to work towards in order to broaden your skill set. The development plan should list all training that has been attended and any areas of development needed should also be identified. Areas of further development could be suggested by myself as something I wuld like to learn to be able to move into a position of greater responsibility or something I feel would aid me in providing better care. It may be a weakness that is identified by my line manager or a suggestion made by a colleague. Alongside my more formal training it is possible to learn from more experienced colleagues who are usually very happy to mentor. It is also possible to discuss things and learn in team meetings and also to research via books, internet etc.