Sometime when girls break any of the rules they would get a much harsher punishment than if boys break the rules. Girls can be taken out of class, sent home, or even suspended. And it's not just for clothes or for girls, some girls can be suspended for they way there head is. A 11 year old girl in Colorado was suspended for shaving her head to support her best friend with cancer, a african american 12 year old girl is Florida …show more content…
And sometimes when a girl is assaulted at school by a boy she could get into trouble and get blamed for what happened to her because of what she was wearing. A high school girl in Virginia was even kicked out of her senior prom because female chaperones said that the dad chaperons were to distracted by the length of her dress and the way she danced. Even though her dress was below her fingertips and she says she wasn’t even dancing when they told her to