List of Abbreviations
Cross Cultural Communication
Global Leadership and Organisational Behavior Effectiveness Research Program
List of Tables
Table 1 shows the advancements of Hall's theory over time. The table is based on (Hall, 1976) (House, Hanges, Javidan, Dorfman, & Gupta, 2004) (Trompenaars & Hempden- Turner, 1997).....................................................................................5
List of Figures
Figure 1 shows Hall's Iceberg model in a simplified way. The figure is based on (Hofstede, 1997, S. 57) and the from Hofstede's model derived cultural layer model of (Trompenaars & Hempden- Turner, 1997)...........................................3
Figure 2 shows an example of a perception illusion created by (Hill, 1915)..................... 4
1 Introduction Through the proceeding process of globalization companies undergo a substantial change in management requirements. Customary management approaches and the traditional perception on how business is done are not suitable anymore. The diversification of the overall workforce and increased intercultural contact through business activities in foreign countries created a new demand for an effective cross cultural communication (CCC) in all fields of businesses . In many cases internationally active companies sent part of their domestic workforce abroad to e.g. build up a new production plant or subsidiary. These so called expatriates often find themselves working in a drastically changed cultural environment. The key to success for such business activities abroad demands the expatriates to overcome cultural differences and - even though this might be uncomfortable - to adjust to the new cultural environment. To vanquish the described obstacles it is important to effectively communicate despite coming from a different cultural background . To make it easier for future generations to deal
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