Unethical Communication
As an employee, it is extremely important that you recognize unethical communication. At ABC Corporation, we promote independent thinking from all employees; we believe no employee should be a victim of groupthink (when group pressures prevent an employee from questioning, or speaking-out).
Unethical Writing
Many accounts of unethical behavior in the workplace are witnessed in our employees’ writings. It is important to write with a conscience and reflect on your writing by asking yourself these three questions:
What ideals do I want to stand for?
To whom am I obligated?
What will/could happen to others or/and to me?
When writing a document, report, email, etc., it is necessary to take into account all of your obligations as an employee, a person, a businessman and a coworker.
When communicating to the public, ABC Corporation expects your message to be ethical, clear and concise.
Unethical practices include:
Suppressing knowledge
Hiding conflicts of interest
Exaggerating claims
Falsifying data
Stealing information
Misusing electronic information
Exploiting cultural differences
Intercultural Communication
It is crucial to be sensitive (e.g.: culturally sensitive) and concise, while presenting your message in an inoffensive manner.
At ABC Corporation, intercultural communication is witnessed daily between coworkers and clients. As a sender or receiver of a message (oral or written) it is crucial that you understand key cultural