UNIT 1 : Review the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressesd in own job role.
1.1 Review the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed in own job role. In my job role the various range and groups of individuals that I regularly communicate with include:
A. External – Families of service users; Local Council staff (Benefits, Housing etc); Neighbours in the community; Health professionals (Consultants, GPs, Psychiatrists, Occupational Therapists); Care managers (Care coordinators, Care Nurses, Chiropodists ); Agency staff from external personnel providers; Volunteers; Other enquirers of services in the unit; Emergency Service (The Police and Neighbourhood watch team and Fire Service); Trustees, Contractors to the project, Day centres; Banks; Institutions of learning, etc.
B. Internal
Other managers within the organisation, my Line manager, Personnel from the Head office and service users themselves.
1.2 Explain how to support effective communication within own job role. In supporting effective communication within my job role it is pertinent that I have an understanding of the essence of the communication, that is, why it was being initiated in the first place. An appreciation of the medium of communication is equally important. This may be verbal, via Skype link, telephone or face to face. It could also be written, through posts, e-mails or even text messages and pictorials including illustrations where applicable. A shrewd understanding of my audience is just as vital, as that would elicit the appropriate attitude and response on my part. This will involve taking into consideration their capacities, abilities and limitations if any during communication.
Katz (1955) suggested in his skill approach that three basic personal skills, technical, human and