By Paul Turner
Logo design is everywhere. It is the key element for any company’s corporate identity. It is important that as a company they ensure that the logo that is representing them is effectively designed so that people can easily identify and relate the logo to the company. If a logo is poorly designed, it can have a negative effect on the company it is speaking for. Bad logo design is one of the main causes of new business’ failing every year because of the ineffective marketing it presents. A logo is what gives people the first impression of a company and reflects what they’re all about. Whether the company sells paper, cosmetics or even clothing, the company’s logo should speak for the company. Bad logo design could lead to a client getting the wrong impression of the company and may even lead to them losing business. Logos are displayed on everything the company owns; websites, company adverts and documentation so it’s really important that it is clear to appear on all mediums. Most logos are very graphic and consist of symbols and icons to represent the company, but logos can also be typography or word mark like the Coca Cola logo. However, designing a killer logo to represent a company is one of the hardest areas of graphic design to perfect and major corporations usually invest a lot of money into marketing teams in order to create the ideal logo to embody the company.
Paul Rand, designer and creator of the IBM and ABC logo, states that 'There are no formulas in creative work. I do many variations, which is a question of curiosity. I arrive at many different configurations-some just slight variations, others more radical-of an original idea. It is a game of evolution.' This being said, Graphic Designers usually follow guidelines and basic principles to aid them in designing an effective logo for a company. The first principle of effective logo design is simplicity. The most effective looking logos in the