During a game of chase with his sister Nikki, three-year-old Wes caught her for the first time. Without knowing what do to next, he punched her. His mother Joy’s angry and sudden reaction to him hitting his sister was confusing to him. While Wes hid in his room, he heard his father, Westley, trying to calm his mother down. Westley reminded Joy that Wes did not know hitting a woman was wrong or why Joy felt so strongly about it. Years later, Wes would finally understand why his mother reacted in that way. Bill’s recreational drug and alcohol use became an addiction. Even though they had a child together (Wes’s older sister, Nikki), Joy left Bill after a particularly violent encounter ended with her battered, but determined. Joy met Westley,…
There are many ethical dilemmas/cases throughout history, today I would like to address two issues/dilemmas that I believe have impacted and helped reshape our stances upon medical ethics. The first issue in which I would like to address to Physician Assisted Suicide or sometimes referred to as PAS.…
I believe that the reason physician assisted suicide is such a controversial issue is because people don't make wills that tell hospitals what they want to be done with their body in case certain unfortunate things are to happen to them. This leaves their families arguing amongst each other and the hospitals on what is the right thing to do for the patient. Personally, I don't believe that somebody should be on life support if they can't even feel,think, or eat on their own. All it is, is torchering their body by making it stay in one position at all times. For example, the Terri Schiavo case in Florida, she was on a feeding tube for about 15 years because her family believed that she was still…
FACTS The prosecution, Dr. Timothy E. Quill and three terminally ill patients residing in New York State sued the New York State Attorney General’s office (Defendant) on constitutional grounds after the State prohibited Physician-assisted suicides. The respondents made up of Physicians argued that the statute violated the Equal Protection Clause under the Fourteenth Amendment, in which a capable person can deny medical treatment at any point in their health, and that this is "essentially the same thing" as a Physician-assisted suicide. The District Court acted in favor of the Statute arguing that it was not unconstitutional and stating that New York State…
Life is a frail and fragile thing. Each of us considers it to be our most valuable possession given to us from a higher power. Some take it for granted, while some preserve and celebrate it. In a moment’s notice the breath of life can be taken without consent. I was presented with a piece of editorial, to discuss and decipher its contents. I will present my thoughts and answer the questions posted in the editorial.…
Bowden, Thomas A. "Physician-Assisted Suicide Is a Moral Right." Problems with Death. Ed. David A. Becker. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Assisted Suicide Is a Moral Right." San Francisco Examiner 6 Oct. 2005. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 27 Oct. 2014.…
Not all terminally ill patients will choose this option, but it should be available for those who want it. Coping with the diagnosis of a terminal illness is difficult for both the patient and the patient’s loved ones and it only becomes more difficult as the disease progresses. Being given the ability to decide when to die allows the patient to feel a sense of dignity and control during a time when he or she may not have control over anything else in life. Not only does physician-assisted suicide provide a sense of relief to the patient, it provides relief to family and friends. Watching a loved one die is one of the most challenging things to endure in life. It only becomes more challenging when forced to watch a loved one die a slow and painful death. Physician-assisted suicide can provide closure to everyone involved in a situation dealing with a terminal illness; therefore, it must become legal in all fifty…
Pain and suffering is unique to each individual. Even with excellent care, symptom management sometimes falls short in alleviating the suffering at the end of life. Only the individual can determine if he or she is able or willing to endure that suffering. In order to provide full autonomy and spectrum of choice for patients, physician-assisted suicide that is legal with standards of care to protect all parties should be in place.…
Many people have different opinions on Physician assisted suicide like if it is inhuman and if the illness can affect the patient's ability to make decisions.. Many people debate whether terminally ill patients should have the choice of suicide. Whether people think it is good or bad, many terminally ill patients do not want to suffer and feel they are being forced to die a slow and painful death.…
Euthanasia is the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable disease which is cutting a person’s life too short. The concept of physician assisted suicide always provokes a moral predicament for many people all over the world, mostly because it gives someone the freedom to choose whether to live or die. Euthanasia has been debated for many years, on one hand people believe euthanasia is a negative action because suicide is not a way out, but on the other hand people also believe assisted suicide is the only option for a patient who suffers from great pain that will only get worse. Euthanasia or physician assisted suicide should be legalized and people shouldn’t worry about whether or not if they feel it’s immoral or not.…
In 1997, the Supreme Court ruled that patients do not have the right to Physician- Assisted Suicide under the constitution. However, the Supreme Court did not ban PAS (US Legal, Inc., n.d.). Later, in 2006 the Supreme Court ruled that laws related to Physician- Assisted suicide would be voted upon within each state. Currently, Physician- Assisted suicide is legal in five states in the U.S. including Oregon, Vermont, Washington and California where it is mandated by state law. Montana is mandated by court ruling. The first state to legalize physician assisted suicide was Oregon in 1994, followed by Washington in 2009. Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Nevada, Kansas, Minnesota, Idaho, Michigan, Tennessee, North Carolina, Maryland, New Jersey, New York,…
Why it is unjust and unmoral to approve of medical assistants in the pursuit of death, such as suicide if the patients ask for such help? There are two side to every argument, there are some people that believe that is is morally ethical to receive PAS (Physician-Assisted Suicide). Then, of course there’s the opposing side to the debate in which this paper will cover and that side is :The medical practice is PAS is unjust, unmoral and shouldn’t be legalized for the fact the the will of life out powers a moment of misery.…
Physician-assisted suicide (PAS) is an issue that started in the 1980’s and continues to remain a current hot topic within the nursing practice. Governor Jerry Brown recently signed an assisted suicide bill into law (Lovett & Pérez-Peña, 2015). PAS will be in effect ninety days after its ruling on the floor. The governor stated that if he were battling a terminal illness accompanied by pain he would be comforted by the option and wouldn’t want to deny that to anyone. As with any issue, there has been opposition claiming that the ill and disabled may be coerced into choosing death over other options. Not only does this law change the way medicine is practiced, but it also affects nursing care.…
Those in favor of physician-assisted suicide argue that the patients that seek it as a viable option do so because their disease is beyond treatment and other options do not preserve their dignity and right to a peaceful death. In choosing physician assisted suicide, the patient maintains control over their final days and even hours on this earth. They can prepare themselves and their loved ones for their death and knowing when it will happen can often provide a sense of peace. (Cite info in favor of pas here)…
Physician Assisted Suicide seems will always be an ethical issue in the medical community. People are either for it or against it. A few weeks ago during the election, the state of Massachusetts voted to allow this issue. This did not pass. Physician Assisted Suicide can come in two forms; the doctor administering medication or the doctor giving the medication to the patient. Both are considered going against the law of upholding a person’s life. Physician Assisted Suicide should not be performed; it is illegal except in one state (Oregon) and goes against the Hippocratic Oath that a doctor recites when they pass the medical boards. It is just wrong to perform this act.…