I stayed in an area called Folly beach with 5 other friends of mine that are white Americans. One of the nights they decided to hang out at a nightclub. Once they get to the club they realized that there is a sign saying you have to put your name on their website and they will let you know within 24 hours if you are qualified to get in. However, despite the fact that my friends had no prior reservations and have never entered their name in that website the host let them in saying that she just put their names in one of the guest lists and they are set while according to my friends there were so many African Americans by the door waiting to put their names on the 24 hour waiting/qualifying list. Everyone recognized that the reason for them to do this is because they only wanted white people to get in and they told us later that they did not see a single person of color in that club. These privileges are mostly unacknowledged, yet practiced regularly. I appreciated the fact that my friends were acknowledging their privilege and were criticizing the club for using such a trick to keep the people of color away from the club.
Also, The exercise that we practiced at school helped me out to learn about people’s different reactions to the questions that were asked. Some people were so hurt, felt disconnected and marginalized when they realized that there are among the people who do not step forward when certain questions