
The Importance Of SAV In The Chesapeake Bay

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Introduction Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) are plants that have adapted to live within aquatic environments (DNR 2011). SAV are able to float in the water and move with the currents because they contain specialized cells called aerenchyma that provide buoyancy and they lack the more rigid structures of most terrestrial plants (DNR 2011). Many different species of SAV are found throughout estuarine waters worldwide and there are seventeen species of SAV that are commonly found throughout the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries (VIMS 2010). SAV is found throughout the Chesapeake Bay.

Importance of SAV SAV is very important in helping maintain the health of the Chesapeake Bay’s ecosystem since it provides food for many species
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Companies such as Bayland, assist the government in protecting SAV by performing jobs such as monitoring grass transplants and conducting SAV surveys. Depending on the project, the private company may either be hired by the state or government agency that overseas the project, or the private company may be a third party hired by the contractor that is working on the project. For instance, a grass transplanting project monitored by Bayland occurred at the Isle of Wight in Worchester County in 2002 (Shafer 2008). A shoreline protection project occurred at the Isle of Wight in 2003, but before the construction and dredging could start, SAV had to be removed where the proposed construction was going to occur (Shafer 2008). This provided an opportunity to use a new grass transplanting system so that the SAV that would have likely been damaged during dredging and construction could be relocated to a new area where SAV was absent (Shafer 2008). During this job Bayland helped design an independent monitoring program to monitor success of SAV that was transplanted to a new area at the Isle of Wight. This project could be considered a small scale SAV restoration project. Bayland completed a Monitoring Report in January 2005 and was contracted to continue to monitor the site through 2008 (Bayland Consultants & Designers, Inc. 2005). The transplanting system used for …show more content…

Lawrence and Odum, E. William. 1988. Occupation of submerged aquatic vegetation by fishes: testing the roles of food and refuge. Oecologia 77, 1: 101-106. (Rozas and Odum 1988). (Accessed April 2011). Shafer, J. Deborah. 2008. Giga Unit Transplant System: A New Mechanical Tool for Transplanting Submerged Aquatic Vegetation. U.S. Army Core of Engineers ERDC/TN SAV-08-2. (Accessed April 2011).
[U.S. Army COE] United States Army Corps of Engineers. 2008. Large Scale Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Restoration in Chesapeake Bay. Status Report 2003-2006. (Accessed April 2011).
[U.S. Army COE] United States Army Corps of Engineers. 2005. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Restoration Research Program. (Accessed April 2011).
[U.S. Army COE-B.D.] United States Army Corps of Engineers-Baltimore District. 2008. Public Notice: In Reply to Application Number CENAB-OP-RM-(AA CO DPWIMAIN CREEK/DREDGING) 2007-08058-M. (Accessed April

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