Views from Indonesia
The Importance of Science and Technology
Education in the Muslim worlds
Dr. Arif Zamhari
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The Importance of Science and Technology Education in the Muslim worlds
About the Speaker
Dr. Arif Zamhari is the director of Kulliyatul Qur’an College of Al-Hikam,
Jakarta, Indonesia. Dr. Zamhari, affiliated with Nahdlatul Ulama, the largest organization of Indonesia, had worked and taught in different Universities and institutions in Jakarta. He is the member of International Division of
Indonesian Wakaf Board and Institute for The Study and Advancement of Civil
Society (ISACS. Dr. Zamhari had participated in many international and national conferences as a key speaker. He had written books and papers about the rituals of Islamic spirituality.
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The Importance of Science and Technology Education in the Muslim worlds
The golden age of Islamic civilization during the 8
to 12th century was
established by integrating both religious sciences and natural or worldly sciences in the light of Islam. As we can read from the history of Muslim civilization, both religious sciences (ulum al-naqliyah) and natural sciences
(ulum al-aqliyah) were part of Islamic education. In other words, religious sciences and natural sciences had a similar position within Islamic education centers. No one particular science had supremacy over another. Therefore, religious and natural sciences similarly contributed to the golden period of
Islamic civilization.
During those periods Muslim scholars realized that Islam does not differentiate between religious science and natural science (worldly science).
Although they made classification of knowledge, they did not mean that one particular science is worthier than another. All sciences come from