Submitted to
Dr.Jill Clark
Bria Benford
ABSTRACT Many American generations of teens and children have increased the violence in our society. Daily news have revealed violent acts and crimes of children and teenagers. It has been proven that the increase of violence from these teens and children are influenced by different aspects of media; music, TV shows, video games, cartoons and movies. These different media prospective have encouraged them in violence acts of bullying, fights, shootings, and murders. By the time these teenagers are adults they have already committed crimes as if they were murders. However many American children spend more time on using entertainment media television, movies, video games, and music than homework or studying. Most video games with violence have an aggressive impact on teenagers. Other media entertainment causes teens and children to imitate their action. Evidence also suggests that long term players and watchers imitate these violent urges more often than usual. I truly urge parent to avoid buying their children and teenagers games with violence and criminal acts and watching television with shootings and crime scenes. They have become emotional detached with interacting socially as well as intellectually in the world. This has definitely corrupt their mines emotional and mentally.
Here are a few sources I have in mind for my paper ,; the impact of media violence on children and adolescents, understanding violent behavior in children and adolescents,