In order to explain the Indian culture according to THT´s cultural dimension it is necessary to have some general information in the back of the head.
India is a Democratic Republic consisting out of 26 states each having an own government.( Kobayashi-Hillary,Mark: 2004: 6) India belongs to the Commonwealth of nations due to the fact that it has been a British colony in the 19th century. This association cooperates within a framework of common values and goals. (Wikipedia:2012) Most of its members are prior British colonies. Nowadays the mayor and administrative language is still English but the population about more than one billion has many different languages and accents. A keyword for India is “Diversity”. The huge country covering 3,3 million km2 is divers regarding religion, language and population, and is therefore hard to define. (Kobayashi-Hillary, Mark: 2004: 6)
Regarding the Trompenaars´ first dimension Universalism vs. Particularism India is allocated to be particularistic-oriented. Indians focus on relationships rather than on the actual outcome. It is very important for them that they trust people before they agree to any contracts. Besides that, a contract is not considered as being a binding agreement. However, relationships are seen as binding agreements.( Gesteland, Gesteland,2010: 31) The reason for that might be, that people in India cannot trust law that it is acting suitably. Furthermore justice is not applied equally among all members of society.(Parrish, N. 2012)
The next dimension in which we examine India is called Individualism vs. Communitarianism. Indian people like harmony within a group. They rather work for their fellow men and family than for their own success.(Trompenaars, Hampden-Turner: 2001: 9) They are consensus-oriented and often say no in conflicting cases in order to maintain harmony. This means that they are