Today it is not sufficient to have knowledge and experience, it is indispensable to be able to share them, to belong to a networked knowledge community and to have skills of lifelong learning in order to exploit all information, competences and skills, learnt from formal, informal and non-formal learning experiences. These continuous changes determine the evolution and innovation of learning process in order to explore a new approach and new tools. However, there are some impacts that could be positive or negative toward the learning of an individual by using this new approach and new tools.
Media Technology
-Educational Media is defined as media for learning and teaching or learning software.
-In terms of learning “from” technology, it includes the instructional television, computer-based instruction, or integrated learning systems that have been implemented into classrooms
-Within this framework, particular media formats (e.g., books and magazines, video media, computer software, and multimedia) -Educational Media in terms of multimedia generally includes the integration of text, graphics, video, sound, etc. Apart from merging different types of media - interactivity, multitasking (simultaneous execution of multiple processes) and parallelism (based on the parallel media presentation) are all playing an important role.
Information and Communication Technologies are defined slightly differently on the following sites: * "Educational technology (also called learning technology) is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources" [1] * "applies to the development, application, and evaluation of systems and techniques for improving the process of human learning * "includes all components of informational technology used in the delivery of