The exosystem for a child at this daycare can be that their classroom is placed on the UGA campus, which may be more economically developed than other areas. The macrosystem is the outermost level that consist of cultural values, laws, customs, and resources. In the United States it is a common custom to start education and daycare at an early age. These children are around the age of one and two and that custom impacts their development. The chronosystem is the level where life changes can be imposed on the child. They can arise from within the child, since as children get older they select, modify, and create many of their own settings and experiences. The children at this stage in their lives are considered “young toddlers” and they are learning from their experiences as they grow up and move onto the next developmental
The exosystem for a child at this daycare can be that their classroom is placed on the UGA campus, which may be more economically developed than other areas. The macrosystem is the outermost level that consist of cultural values, laws, customs, and resources. In the United States it is a common custom to start education and daycare at an early age. These children are around the age of one and two and that custom impacts their development. The chronosystem is the level where life changes can be imposed on the child. They can arise from within the child, since as children get older they select, modify, and create many of their own settings and experiences. The children at this stage in their lives are considered “young toddlers” and they are learning from their experiences as they grow up and move onto the next developmental