Reviews on Hotel Performance
Pasi Tuominen
University of Hertfordshire Business School Working Paper (2011)
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The Business School at the University of Hertfordshire (UH) employs approximately 150 academic staff in a state-of-the-art environment located in Hatfield Business Park. It offers 17 undergraduate degree programmes and 21 postgraduate programmes; there are about 80 research students, mostly working at doctoral level.
Business School staff are active in research in numerous areas, including complexity theory, institutional economics, economic modelling, efficiency measurement the creative industries, employment studies, finance, accounting, statistical methods and management science.
The University of Hertfordshire is the UK’s leading business-facing university and an exemplar in the sector. In
2010 it won the Entrepreneurial University of the Year Award. It is one of the region’s largest employers with over 2,700 staff and a turnover of £235million. In the 2008 UK Research Assessment Exercise it was given the highest rank for research quality among the
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