Minister, St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Monrovia, Cal; Visiting Professor, Graduate Dept. of Education, Notre Dame University
The way one conceives the nature of the educational process and practices it will depend to a large degree upon just exactly how one understands the nature of the person to be educated.
Nearly everyone has some dominant pattern quate, there is no way of getting hold of it of reacting to other people. If this pattern to criticize it or alter it. New understandis reflected upon, and its presuppositions are ings about personality cannot readily be ininferred, and then if the results of such re- tegrated into an unstated position. Someflection are clearly stated, this is called a times a person holds two divergent attitudes theory of personality. Most people, how- implicitly, or one's implicit attitude may ever, do not reflect upon their behavior. differ from his stated view about how huThey do not try to state the underlying as- man beings act. Until both are stated there sumptions, or even consider very often is no way of reconciling or integrating them. these ideas upon which they base their ac- Those who have worked with disturbed peotions. They still operate upon a kind of ple know the confusion that is caused by theory, but such a personality theory is im- parents who are caught between different plicit or assumed. It is taken for granted. patterns of reaction. Indeed any pattern of Usually such a pattern for action has been action which is implicit and not stated conpicked up from the culture of which the trols the individual; he does not direct or person is a part, and is adopted without control it, or his own actions. And when conscious reflection. there is a multiplicity of different reaction As a matter of fact, the actual theory of patterns, or little consistent pattern at all personality upon which a person operates is in an individual, he is usually called unrevealed more in