According to Kristiansen in her article Violent youth groups in Indonesia: the cases of Yogyakarta and Nusa Tenggara Barat, it shows that the number of criminality in Indonesia has been increasing. All kinds of criminality either serious crime or not have a law to punish those criminal. A very serious crime is considered to get the death penalty. This punishment is a symbol of violation and across the line of humanity in Indonesia, a country that follows the Pancasila, one of whose principles is just and civilized humanity. Thus, death penalties based on retaliation are no longer appropriate (Winarta and McDonald, 2011). Death penaltyis also not effective to stop the criminality. Therefore death penalty should be banned as a form of punishment in Indonesia.
In his book The Second Greatest Crime of the Century, Griswold mention that Indonesia has been known as a democratic country which chooseto the human rights as the priority for the prosperous of the citizen. The question that becomes an issue is “what about the prisoner who gets the death penalty? Are they worth it? Do they still deserve for the human rights?” The answer is every human being in Indonesia has their own human rights. It’s a barbaric act to take away a life from a person even though he already done a very serious crime. There’s no reason to claim that death penalty is worth for any crime because it’s not a punishment which can make a prisoner get punished but it just takes someone’s lifebefore they get the consequences of what they have done.
“If it is to be an “eye for an eye and a tooth for