First, I believe marriage was established by God in the bible as a sacred institution. The bible states, “and unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife,” (I Corinthians 7:10-11, KJV). This means that wives shouldn’t leave their husbands, but if this occurs, women should remain unmarried. I feel that more relationships based on this principle would last longer. Studies show that people who cohabitate are more likely to divorce than those who do not live together before marriage. Mike Stobbe reports “for example, for women, there was about a 60 percent likelihood a marriage would survive 15 years if the couple either hadn 't lived together before the wedding or were engaged while they were sharing the same living space” (1). I feel that cohabitation is one of the main reasons marriages fail because, biblically, couples should not live together before marriage.
Next, men and women should
Cited: Stobbe, Mike. “Move In Before Marriage No Longer Predicts Divorce.” Huffington Post, 22 Mar. 2012. Web. Dec. 2012 Macklin, William, . "Marriage institution is debated.." Knight-Tribune News Service n.d., n. pag. Print. Axis: A Study Bible For Teens. Ed. Thomas Nelson. Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2007. Print.