During this time, the humans are constrained to walk by the unusual walking patterns to avoid the discomfort that arises from the malfunction joints. Although, there are enormous numbers of biped walking control methods that are already done and demonstrated the ability to adaptive walk in wide range of terrain, there are only done with the faultless joints and flawless links. Meanwhile, the compensations method of malfunction joints or abnormal leg walking are few and usually focused only on the multi-legged robot [10-14]. It is still no clarity in the biped robots; therefore, it is a challenging issue that still no one else discovered entirely: how can biped robot do if it is moving in the anomalous conditions?
In CPG-based control, the possible technique to deal with the malfunction joints and the abnormal leg walking is to re-coordinate the actuation commands of all joints. The frequency, amplitude, and the phase relation of each joint and the phase relation of each limb should re-establish by re-adjusting or vary the parameters in CPG equations. Therefore, the parameter tuning and real-time adjusting become the extraordinary problems that require not only the time for finding but also the method of achieving the appropriate values of each